Writing Task 2/Modern Innovations

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 - Modern Innovations

Essay Guru 2020. 7. 1. 22:28


Some people say that modern innovations bring a lot more problems than benefits? Do you agree or disagree?


I can understand that some people may be distrustful of modern innovations and believe that they bring a lot more problems than benefits but I do not agree, I think that modern innovations bring more benefits than problems and that modern society could not exist without modern technology.  True, life could be a lot simpler without modern technology, but humans are not the only inhabitants of the world and we may have become extinct without modern developments.


When people think of modern innovations they are probably thinking of computer viruses, pollution brought about by burning fossil fuels, road traffic accidents and children suffering from mental illnesses blamed on social media.  Without modern technology, women would be dying in childbirth, whole communities would be wiped out by treatable illnesses or starved to death.  Modern innovations have brought into use tools and means of transport, we have medicine and hospitals, water and power brought to every home, sewage treatment and recycling to dispose of waste.


Once upon a time the wheel was a modern innovation but we probably cannot imagine a world without the wheel today.  The industrial revolution was dependent on coal for heat, cooking and transport.  However, this entailed workforces spending their working life underground in dangerous, dirty, cramped and unhealthy conditions. Even today, countries are reluctant to give up this industry despite coal supplies being finite and polluting the atmosphere.  Newer, cleaner sources of energy are being sourced but not without opposition.  Some people are suspicious, even afraid of change. 


Modern innovations are being introduced at an increasing pace, sometimes overwhelming us but simultaneously bringing us opportunities and freedoms not even dreamt of.  Unfortunately, human nature is susceptible to weakness and greed but it is also capable of hard work, compassion, teamwork and problem solving.  When modern innovations bring problems scientists and politicians work hard to try and resolve these issues. (312 words)



I can understand that some people may be distrustful of modern innovations and believe that they bring a lot more problems than benefits but I do not agree, I think that modern innovations bring more benefits than problems and that modern society could not exist without modern technology.  True, life could be a lot simpler without modern technology, but humans are not the only inhabitants of the world and we may have become extinct without modern developments. (77 words)


Body Paragraph 1

When people think of modern innovations they are probably thinking of computer viruses, pollution brought about by burning fossil fuels, road traffic accidents and children suffering from mental illnesses blamed on social media.  Without modern technology, women would be dying in childbirth, whole communities would be wiped out by treatable illnesses or starved to death.  Modern innovations have brought into use tools and means of transport, we have medicine and hospitals, water and power brought to every home, sewage treatment and recycling to dispose of waste. (86 words)


Body Paragraph 2

Once upon a time the wheel was a modern innovation but we probably cannot imagine a world without the wheel today.  The industrial revolution was dependent on coal for heat, cooking and transport.  However, this entailed workforces spending their working life underground in dangerous, dirty, cramped and unhealthy conditions. Even today, countries are reluctant to give up this industry despite coal supplies being finite and polluting the atmosphere.  Newer, cleaner sources of energy are being sourced but not without opposition.  Some people are suspicious, even afraid of change. (88 words)



Modern innovations are being introduced at an increasing pace, sometimes overwhelming us but simultaneously bringing us opportunities and freedoms not even dreamt of.  Unfortunately, human nature is susceptible to weakness and greed but it is also capable of hard work, compassion, teamwork and problem solving.  When modern innovations bring problems scientists and politicians work hard to try and resolve these issues. (61 words)