IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 - Antisocial Behaviors
Some people believe that if an individual behaves in an anti-social manner, such as committing a crime, then society is to blame. What are the causes of antisocial behavior? Who do you think is responsible?
Many big cities like New York City, Paris, and London are facing problems from antisocial behaviors such as noise pollution, graffiti, or littering. These types of crimes are problematic regardless of the degree of severity, as it can decay social trust. Nowadays, people have no choice but to move to big cities to get jobs, but society is not well prepared for the transition. Antisocial offenses are deeply intertwined with urbanization thus and governments are responsible and they should actively react to the issue by implementing policies.
The main cause of antisocial behavior is proliferation of urbanization, as mentioned previously. Majority of people are not familiar with their neighbors and do not have strong attachment to their neighborhood. Some people tend not to value public property and other individuals due to the above-mentioned reasons. These types of behaviors are observed significantly less in small villages or towns, where individuals maintain a deep connection to their community. People live anonymously in cities and the government are not making enough effort to bring people together.
Some people think that individuals are to blame, while others think that society is to blame regarding antisocial behavior. Some individuals commit crimes because of their personal issues such as drug addiction, mental illness, excessive drinking, and such. On the other hand, some citizens commit such crimes because they have anger toward society due to inequality, unemployment, racism and so on. Antisocial behaviors will not end unless the government aggressively implements policies because the problems are derived from other social issues. The government should build a harmonious society where fewer people feel neglected and isolated.
Antisocial behaviors are causing fear and distrust toward our society. Society has to work toward solving the issues through cooperation between individuals, non-governmental organizations and governmental organizations. However, governments should be mainly responsible for antisocial behaviors. Governments have to educate individuals from an early age not to commit such crimes and plan programs to rebuild social trust by supporting activities in local communities. Also, governments should monitor some antisocial people who may endanger others. (342 words)
Many big cities like New York City, Paris, and London are facing problems from antisocial behaviors such as noise pollution, graffiti, or littering. These types of crimes are problematic regardless of the degree of severity, as it can decay social trust. Nowadays, people have no choice but to move to big cities to get jobs, but society is not well prepared for the transition. Antisocial offenses are deeply intertwined with urbanization thus and governments are responsible and they should actively react to the issue by implementing policies. (87 words)
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The main cause of antisocial behavior is proliferation of urbanization, as mentioned previously. Majority of people are not familiar with their neighbors and do not have strong attachment to their neighborhood. Some people tend not to value public property and other individuals due to the above-mentioned reasons. These types of behaviors are observed significantly less in small villages or towns, where individuals maintain a deep connection to their community. People live anonymously in cities and the government are not making enough effort to bring people together. (86 words)
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Some people think that individuals are to blame, while others think that society is to blame regarding antisocial behavior. Some individuals commit crimes because of their personal issues such as drug addiction, mental illness, excessive drinking, and such. On the other hand, some citizens commit such crimes because they have anger toward society due to inequality, unemployment, racism and so on. Antisocial behaviors will not end unless the government aggressively implements policies because the problems are derived from other social issues. The government should build a harmonious society where fewer people feel neglected and isolated. (95 words)
Antisocial behaviors are causing fear and distrust toward our society. Society has to work toward solving the issues through cooperation between individuals, non-governmental organizations and governmental organizations. However, governments should be mainly responsible for antisocial behaviors. Governments have to educate individuals from an early age not to commit such crimes and plan programs to rebuild social trust by supporting activities in local communities. Also, governments should monitor some antisocial people who may endanger others. (74 words)